“Now ClickUp runs most of my life (both professionally and personally). I’m wasting less time and meeting deadlines.” With its multiple filters and views, the LineUp™️ feature, and home page with a calendar, I don’t have to spend so much time figuring out what is next. ClickUp helps me know what to work on and when. “The main problem I have solved by using ClickUp is a lack of clarity. Here’s what real users say about using the Calendar view in ClickUp:
See all your ClickUp tasks alongside meetings in your Google Calendar using 2-way syncingĬlickUp is a free productivity tool with time-saving Calendar features on the web and mobile apps to make even the most mundane tasks fun to add! Whether you’re looking for a work-life calendar or need a single source of truth to put thoughts and reminders down, ClickUp can stretch to any preference for the best productivity of your life.